
Our Sunday worship is based on services from the New Zealand Prayer Book incorporating both traditional hymns and modern songs. We are traditional Anglicans in style with an evangelical slant based on sound biblical teaching and a strong focus on prayer. Members of the Parish assist with leading the services, reading, greeting, flower arranging etc throughout our churches so there is a huge team of volunteers working towards our success. There is a diverse range of views within our congregations but each is warm and welcoming. Newcomers are not ‘new’ for long!

Our 10am service at St Chad’s is the main service within the Parish with the largest attendance but each church has its own regular members who are conscious that even though we are three separate churches we are one Parish.

The 9.30am Wednesday morning service is based on the 1928 service so is very traditional in style. There is no singing at this service but contemplative music is used.

Regular Services

St Chad's

117 Centreway Road, Orewa

Holy Communion


Sunday: 8.00am
Sunday: 10.00am
Wednesday: 9.30am

Holy Trinity

24 Wainui Road, Silverdale

Holy Communion

2nd & 4th Sunday each month

Sunday: 9.00am

Christ Church

56 Waiwera Road, Waiwera

Holy Communion

1st Sunday each month

Sunday: 10.00am

Please email the Parish Office if you would like to receive the link to our 10am Sunday service at St Chad's, on Zoom.

To receive regular updates of our services and activities subscribe to our email list via the Parish Office.